Tag Archives: Testimonies

MegaVoice Africa News – WhatsApp Group

You are welcome to join our news group.  We share testimonies and as well as announcements of new Bibles, languages, and players.

The MegaVoice Africa WhatsApp group is a broadcast group to share news related to Audio Bibles.  We share one to two messages per week.   You can leave the group at any time if you do not find value in being  part of the group or if you are simply too busy to attend to the messages.

Members cannot send messages. Only administrators can share messages.  You can leave the group at any time.   Please join by following the link on your mobile or scan the code:

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MegaVoice brought Bible alive for Steve

Steve Prowse listens to the Bible on his MegaVoice player

‘Even though my flesh is crumbling /
my spirit is singing because I know
He is near’
– two lines from the poem Steve Prowse wrote shortly
before his death in June this year, aged 48.

Steve became a Christian about 10 years ago, during
a serious illness. Within a couple of weeks he was
completely well and returned to work – convinced that
God was working in his life. He began attending Riverside
Church in Exeter and became a Street Pastor, patrolling
the streets at night to help the vulnerable.

Steve’s sight and mobility seriously deteriorated following
a diagnosis of aggressive multiple sclerosis. Becoming
unable to read the Bible was a huge loss to him – but he
loved the MegaVoice audio Bible supplied by Torch. ‘The
Bible comes alive when I listen to it,’ he said. ‘When you
read the Bible you are concentrating on reading, but
listening to it, you are taking it all in. It’s brilliant!’

Steve’s faith and positive attitude towards the end of his life
was a blessing to many. Steve was married to Joan from 1999.
She says that while he always prayed for healing they both
knew there were different kinds of healing – and in the end
there was the complete and final healing of going to heaven.

Reference: This is an article from the Torch News Autumn 2017
(click the link to download the pdf version)
TorchTrust  http://www.torchtrust.org

Terugvoer sessie – Mwani en Ibo eiland – Theo Schumann

Terugvoer1Ons nooi u uit om meer te kom hoor van Theo en Mignonne Schumann wat  sedert 2009  op Ibo eiland in Noord Mosambiek woon. Hulle werk onder die Mwani volk wat sowat 110,000 tel. Die volk is geheel ‘Onbereik’.  Hoewel hulle in vrede tussen die  moslems mag woon is dit duidelik dat hul werk ook ‘n  langsame proses is. Vriendskap Evangelisasie neem  tyd, toewyding en volharding. Hulle beleef dat  daar vordering is, maar dan ervaar hulle ook die teenkanting van die Moslem Leierskap van die Eiland. Die erfenis van die Eiland is gegrond in die slawehandel wat oor honderdejare gestrek het. Armoede op die Eiland is  baie ernstig en daar is min of geen werksgeleenthede vir  die plaaslike mense nie.

Kom hoor hoe hulle ‘n groot invloed in die gemeenskap het.  Hulle gebruik ook die MegaVoice Envoy  in hulle bedienning.

Kom drink ‘n koppie koffie of tee saam na die aanbieding.

PLEK:  Constantia Park Baptist Church, 645 Rudolf street, Constantia Park, Pretoria
GPS  -25.813511,   28.278075

Datum en Tyd:  Dinsdag 10 Junie 2014, 19h00 – 20h45

RSVP:  Johan Grobler,  082 653 4783,   Stuur epos  Plek is beperk.  Daar is nog plek. Laat weet asseblief sodat ons genoeg koffie en tee kan reg sit!    Laat weet asseblief voor Maandag 9 June 15h00